Sunday, April 27, 2008

Kentucky's 100 year old businesses

I've spent most of the day writing a newspaper article. While doing some research I found the Kentucky Humanities Council has a publication about the 100 year old businesses in Kentucky. Thomas D. Clark wrote the forward in which he says:

"The Kentucky businesses, commercial or institutional, which have survived for a century have reflected the realization of dreams, of expectations, and the challenges of changing times and human tastes. Running through this collection of histories is the theme of fending off the ravages of archaic practices on the one hand, and an ever-growing corporate competition on the other. During the passing decades these survivors have established rock-solid assets of integrity, personal service, patron loyalties, and a dedication to the sense of community. Collectively, the centennial businesses have reached far beyond the doorways of their stores and shops to knit a rich Kentucky heritage of time and place." (From the Kentucky Humanities Council WEB site)

Perhaps most of you already knew about this book and perhaps I should have but I didn't and was extremely happy to find it. The book can be ordered at

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